Since 2004, comparing ornamental and use value research is performed in various European countries. Starting point has to be identical basic material that is simultaneously propagated and then spread across the participating countries.
The initiative to start the Euro-Trials was taken by the Royal Dutch Horticultural Society (KVBC) and this is still the coordinator of the Euro-Trials. Per project, the organization rotates amongst the participants. Every year, representatives of participating organizations are guest of one of the organizations to discuss the progress and planning.
The Euro-trials are set up to prevent each country from doing the same research apart. Dividing the work saves money for everyone. Because the same basic material is used and the trialling in the different countries is done according to the same criteria, the results are comparable. In addition to a national final judgment, the outcome in other countries can be taken into account as well. One can easily investigate what cultivars perform well in some countries and are popular.
The participating organizations are responsible for publication of the results in the trade journals themselves. The KVBC publishes the results of the Euro-trials in Dendroflora which is issued annually.
Participating organizations:
Belgium | Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt | Destelbergen |
Germany | Bund Deutscher Baumschulen (BdB) | Ellerhoop |
Finland | LUKE | Piikiö |
France | Agro Campus Ouest | Angers |
Ireland | Teagasc | Dublin |
Iceland | Agricultural University of Iceland | Hvanneyri |
Netherlands | KVBC | Boskoop |
Austria | Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau (HBLFA) | Wenen |
United Kingdom | Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) | Wisl |